miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

First Stop Myrtle Beach, SC

The first stop for this trip was a little town in the other part of America, a little town called Myrtle Beach where I worked during the summer to save money for both my stay in Buenos Aires and my backpacking pack home in Bogotá Colombia.

I went there with my Friend Dario, and other friends joined us there, Congo, Rana, Joco, Farras and Karen. we lived in the tines hotel and work for long hours in an average work for 2 months.

Some Day's Where GOOD: --------------------- Some Day's Where BAD:

Some Day's Where Just Weird:

Any way It payed the bills and I was on my way back to Colombia. For just one week.

not quite europe!

Thats right, my plans where different for the later half of 2010. I was planing on going to Europe for a road trip while I studied in Lisbon University but I was selected for the exchange program with the University of Buenos Aires Which was also very good. How ever it's not quite Europe off course.

So now this blog is created for me to encourage myself to make the best of it. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with backpacking South America (I was planing on doing it in late 2011), its just that this way I can take more Pic's make more Vid's and go to more places.

Something to work in while I'm here.