domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011

Impressions Buenos aires

The first thing you will notice in Buenos Aires is its continuity, with over 12 million people in the metropolitan area and 3 Million in the Urban, it is a city full of life. And getting around is very easy with a very efficient bus system that is subsidized by the government, you pay barelly about 1.25 pesos (30 cents of a dollar) for a bus ride, and the subway is usually gets pretty much anywhere. However you must pay the bus with coins, which for some reason are impossible to find anywhere, even convenience store sometimes can refuse to sell you things if they don't have enough change for the day. Forcing you to buy more things until you can spare the change.
And some lines of the subway may be closed some days, i was never really that unlucky with the traffic thou.

Daily life can be preatty good in Buenos Aires if you are visiting, after their economic crash of 2001 the exchange rate significantly benefits the dollar holder, and you can do a lot of things in a day with just a few bucks. Getting s great steak dinner, having a couple of beers or Fernet with coke and go dancing in "boliches" all these activities are inexpensive.

A few budget recommendation on where to go.
Eat steak at "el desnivel" in San Telmo
Go to the malba Museum
Have wine in jazz joint "thelonius Club" Adress Jerónimo Salguero 1884
Have some beers before you go to a boliche in "el alamo" where girls drink free Therefore it's packed with beautiful local girls. :)

But the Best way to get to know buenos aires is throu it's people, get a good group of friends, the Argentinians and Porteños (people from Buenos Aires) are really friendlly and the will welcome you to their homes. And you haven't tasted beef until you have had a home made "asado" in the traditional home style.

Thanks to my friend Pato for cooking this great asado by the pool. You must visit his bar when you go there, ill soon publish the address

1 comentario:

  1. Some good tips about how to explore the true Buenos Aires like an insider. Anna Longmore also discovered the unique Porteño lifestyle when she set out to compile her guide to the best of Buenos Aires in a recent article for our blog:
